I had a few rough days last week and this week but overall I'm still loving every minute of being at the school and with the kids. I've decided that 7th graders are really from another planet and they are just little busy bodies that NEVER STOP TALKING and I really don't think they can help it - lol!
I wanted to document a few things here that have really worked with the kids so I can use it later on and so that hopefully some of you can benefit from it too!
I used this video as my hook when teaching onomatopoeia in poetry
I used these silly classified ads to teach informational text. In addition I pointed out how important it is for us to carefully edit our writing so we sound intelligent!

We also have been reading newspaper articles and magazine articles and exploring all the different ways we can get news delivered to us. I try to relate everything to them as much as possible because otherwise they zone right out! To assess them, I am having them work with a partner to create a classified ad or newspaper article. I will try to get some shots of their final projects and show you how they turned out. I have lots more to document but I really want to sleep!
~Mrs. Starkey
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